At ESA Management, LLC, we put people first. We are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive culture in the workplace. All our associates play a key role in our unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Together, we are intentional in removing the barriers of separation to foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment. We encourage our associate engagement and have invested in resources designed to increase opportunities for our associates to learn about the company, voice concerns, give feedback, connect with each other and share personal experiences.

Put People First

Associate Resource Groups

At ESA Management, LLC, we are committed to taking actions to ensure all associates are treated equitably, understand they are valued, know that their voices are heard and respected, and feel a true sense of belonging. In alignment with this commitment to valuing differences, Extended Stay America encourages associates to join and participate in Associate Resource Groups (ARGs). 

ESA Management, LLC's ARGs are inclusive of all people and welcome individuals who identify as well as allies alike.



The Multicultural ARG works to promote equality for all while celebrating cultural diversity. This group will support many efforts across the company and participate in authentic discussions to inform decision-making that supports our environment of inclusion and opportunity. 


We are proud to celebrate the tremendous women who continue to make a positive impact in the world and at ESA Management, LLC every day. Our Women's ARG provides associates a platform to network and engage about topics that enable women in the workplace, and promotes gender diversity.
